There is a book in the Old Testament called Lamentations. It is a book of great mourning and suffering, of people crying out in anguish, in anger and with deep longings and questions. But right at the heart of the book it says this: "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness" (Lamentations 3.22-23). The book does not have a happily ever after ending. But it ends with a community lamenting together, caught in the in between. On the one hand knowing that God reigns, that he is faithful, and that his love endures; and on the other hand, uncertainty of what is to come, of when and how everything will one day be okey. Today we stand together in that time in between, but we can have even greater hope because of the resurrection of Christ, one day we will all stand together again with Josh. Right now my pray is a lament, and I lament you all.