Family Friend

Created by Stuart Wagstaff 2 years ago
We met Josh for the first time in 2012 on a family holiday.  He had such an impact on us as a family, we shared a holiday together every year after.  They were amazing times, I mean really amazing times. As a family, when we remember Josh, we hurt and cry. I am crying trying to write this message.  After the Covid restrictions eased a bit in 2021, me (Stuart), Steph, Jacob and Eden headed up to Woodhall Spa where we first met.  I have posted a picture of where they used to hang out and they put their names on the post each year.  On that visit in 2021, Eden just added a heart.  I was expecting us all to have a pretty bad day.  We did, but we also remembered happiness and fun we had together over those years.  Those memories of Josh will be with us forever.  Your passing will be with us forever, but so will the memories

